体長:9cm / 体重:15g / 速度:動かない / 出現場所:枕・毛布・うたた寝している人の近く
Height: 9cm / Weight: 15g / Speed: Not moving / Appearance: Pillows, blankets, near snoozing people
【Doctor's note】
This peary was the easiest to capture.
Anyway, he is sleeping. If you prepare a soft blanket, he will appear soon.
体長:9cm / 体重:15g / 速度:動かない / 出現場所:枕・毛布・うたた寝している人の近く
Height: 9cm / Weight: 15g / Speed: Not moving / Appearance: Pillows, blankets, near snoozing people
【Doctor's note】
This peary was the easiest to capture.
Anyway, he is sleeping. If you prepare a soft blanket, he will appear soon.