体長:7-12cm / 体重:14g / 速度:3cm/s / 出現場所:山盛りごはんの上・筋肉
Height: 7-12cm / Weight: 14g / Speed: 3cm/s / Appearance: heaping rice, muscle
【Doctor's note】
This is Peary who works out stoically.
They like to pose on a heaping rice.
体長:7-12cm / 体重:14g / 速度:3cm/s / 出現場所:山盛りごはんの上・筋肉
Height: 7-12cm / Weight: 14g / Speed: 3cm/s / Appearance: heaping rice, muscle
【Doctor's note】
This is Peary who works out stoically.
They like to pose on a heaping rice.