体長:5cm / 体重:13g / 速度:0.3cm/s / 出現場所:紫陽花のちかく・路地裏
Height: 5cm / Weight: 13g / Speed: 0.3cm/s / Appearance: Near hydrangea, back alley
【Doctor's note】
This pairy is often seen during the rainy season. Thair favorite place is behind the leaves of hydrangea. They and Noronoro are good friends and often go for walks together.
体長:5cm / 体重:13g / 速度:0.3cm/s / 出現場所:紫陽花のちかく・路地裏
Height: 5cm / Weight: 13g / Speed: 0.3cm/s / Appearance: Near hydrangea, back alley
【Doctor's note】
This pairy is often seen during the rainy season. Thair favorite place is behind the leaves of hydrangea. They and Noronoro are good friends and often go for walks together.