体長:7-9cm / 体重:12g / 速度:4cm/s / 出現場所:特売セールのワゴン・草原の中
Height: 7-9cm / Weight: 12g / Speed: 4cm/s / Appearance: Special sale wagon, in the meadow
【Doctor's note】
They is self-assertive pairy. They loves to wade through the grass. If there's a meadow, they wade through the grass and go wherever they want. They is also a big fan of evening time sales.
体長:7-9cm / 体重:12g / 速度:4cm/s / 出現場所:特売セールのワゴン・草原の中
Height: 7-9cm / Weight: 12g / Speed: 4cm/s / Appearance: Special sale wagon, in the meadow
【Doctor's note】
They is self-assertive pairy. They loves to wade through the grass. If there's a meadow, they wade through the grass and go wherever they want. They is also a big fan of evening time sales.